Friday, June 13, 2008

June 12 Ride

Lance led us on his hot silver FJR1300 last night because we had to keep up the tradition of a metro-sexual bike at the lead. It was a way more relaxed ride through the countryside. Overall, it was fun, fun just to be out on my bike with other freaks like me. We called it the Sprit of the Road ride because we relied wholly on Lance following the Spirit of the Road for the route because it snowed 5 inches in Island Park the day before and we didn’t want to get our bikes stuck in a snow drift. God loves bikers, because the weather had been horrendous the past few days with 300 MPH wind storms, sleet, hail, snow, rain and sub-zero temperatures. (At least that’s what it seems like when the weather is too crappy to ride my bike.) So the sun came out, the wind stopped and God smiled on my motorcycle just before I pulled my bike out of the garage to meet at the shop. Rob, the Service Manager had some delicious burgers ready to go with the cheetos and drinks. After Lance got done in the mens, we headed out on an adventurous ride through the country. Beaver Dick to Plano, to Egin, back to Rexburg, to St. Anthony (pronounced Saint Anton’ee), then to Teton, Moody and back to Rexburg. The Spirit of the Road led us to a dead end road, a gravel road and a closed road. We flipped around on all occasions, but there must have been a reason that we needed to come in contact with those roads. I think they were lonely.

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